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Sweater-Fest 2015

Based on the success of our holiday card last year we decided to kick off this year’s Christmas-Creep with another round of fun sweaters, this time with an added twist!

To keep things interesting, this year we decided to take our holiday photo a step further by asking ourselves the simple question, “It's holiday season! What could possibly go wrong?”.

The answer, of course, is everything.

Between wrapping last minute gifts, decorating the tree and the pressure of having house guests we realized there were plenty of fun visuals and cliches for us to play off of. So short of something literally catching on fire or witnessing Drunk-Uncle heaving in a corner, this year’s holiday card is Lyquix’s version of The. Worst. Holiday. Ever.

Until of course, we "fix everything" and come together as a team for a more traditional kind of photo.


And if you missed our holiday card from 2014 you should definitely check it out.

Let’s Work Together