Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Brand Update, Website Design & Development
Established in 1973, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) is a private, nonprofit, nationally-recognized Area Agency on Aging (AAA). One of the region's largest nonprofit organizations, PCA has more than 650 employees in a wide variety of positions, including social work, information technology, support services and administration.
PCA funds and coordinates programs and services to help older Philadelphians and those with disabilities achieve their maximum levels of health, independence and productivity. Through its work, PCA touches the lives of more than 140,000 individuals each year.
Check out the new PCA website: www.pcacares.org

An Accessible Brand
PCA serves older Philadelphians and those with disabilities. Its brand elements - color scheme, typography, and imagery needed to be accessible to all. After careful consideration and consultation with the PCA team, Lyquix designed an accessible, modern digital brand that updated the organization’s color scheme, color usage balance, typography, and imagery style.

An Important User Resource
The PCA customer service hotline, the primary gateway for seniors to access PCA services, was overwhelmed. Users were reporting issues with long hold times and unmet expectations. Upon review, leadership noticed too many users were calling into the hotline seeking information that should have been readily available on its website. PCA’s existing site was underperforming as a resource for the Philadelphia’s senior’s and their caregivers. Lyquix restructured, reprioritized, and reorganized the content structure of the PCA website, and updated the look and feel of the site into a friendlier, more digestible guidebook of services.

Restructuring Services
PCA offers a comprehensive set of services from home-delivered meals to health insurance counseling. As part of the Discovery phase of the project, Lyquix completed a full audit of the existing service content on the site and in print materials and compared the audit results to information provided by PCA leadership. As a result of this work, Lyquix created an entirely revamped sitemap for the new PCA site. This gave PCA full clarity on the build-up of extraneous information that had accumulated on the existing site, the discrepancy of content on different mediums, and helped them better address the priority of each piece of content internally before moving forward. Through this process, the team was able to remove thirty-six pieces of content from the current services section. Once the services list was narrowed down, there were still twenty-five items to organize. Lyquix grouped the remaining services by individual user’s needs, resulting in four main service categories. By organizing services this way, a user will be able to find all of the things relevant to them in one place.

Building Blocks
In order to provide PCA with maximum flexibility and efficiency for presenting such a large amount of content on its website, the Lyquix team designed and developed a custom, modular block system for the WordPress Gutenberg editor. Our design team used the information gathered from the website audit during the Discovery phase of the project to develop all of the different types of blocks for the new PCA website. Lyquix designers produced high-fidelity wireframes of every page in order to test that the designed blocks were flexible enough to handle all the different kinds of content. The wireframes served as a roadmap for PCA content writers when developing content for the new pages. Most blocks could appear in any order on the page and all blocks are fully responsive. Each block type was designed with flexibility in mind, easily adjusting to various quantities of information and controlled by easy-to-use selectors on the admin panel of WordPress. Another benefit of the block system is that Lyquix could design the site without having final content. The website's content was written in parallel with its design and development, resulting in a seamless and efficient process.
Block Types
- Banners
- Facts & Figures
- Calls to Action
- Tabs
- Icon Grid
- Accordions
- Resources grid
- Paragraph text
- Program
- Tables
- Employee Testimonials

A Modern Website
The new PCA website incorporates logical organization, captivating design, and succinct content to present its services, news, events, and organizational information. As part of the project, Lyquix also designed and developed several accessible and fully responsive web forms that integrate with PCA’s internal database.

The Results
The built-in flexibility of the block system proved to be worth its salt, allowing for swift content implementation with minimal design or development changes. With the launch of the new site, the PCA team can continue to edit and add new pages as needed within the flexible system.
The new PCA website serves as a foundation for all of the PCA communications, development, and marketing efforts. It is the source of information for Philadelphia seniors, caregivers, and healthcare providers who refer for services.
Check out the new PCA website: www.pcacares.org