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Tailoring the User Experience

The Siegfried Group engaged Lyquix to design and develop an interactive experience that showcased the energetic and ambitious spirit of the MY Journey® events. The main goal of the site was to serve as a marketing tool—attracting potential employees and enticing them to join the firm, by positioning the MY Journey® program as a unique job benefit. The Lyquix team faced the challenge of how to immerse users in a virtual experience that conveyed the energy and experience of the program. Lyquix explored ideas on how to guide users across the site in a way that encapsulated the “journey” of the program—while also adding interactivity and movement.


The Results

With the launch of the dynamic and intuitive MY Journey® experience, The Siegfried Group positions themselves not only as an appealing and unique employer for young finance professionals, but as an innovative leader in their field. The MYJourney® site showcases the organization’s energetic culture and serves to attract a new audience of potential candidates and gain industry-wide appeal.

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